Tuesday, July 3, 2007

NBA Draft Recap(late) and Comment about RT

NBA Draft
The NBA Draft was last week. Here are my winners and losers:

Winners: Portland, Seattle, Charlotte

Portland - Pretty much just winners for doing the right thing and picking Greg Oden. Oden is the real deal. He will win at least 3 championships over the next 15 years. All of those people who say Kevin Durant is the next MJ. You guys can't be serious right? I mean KD is going to be pretty sick, but he cannot guard like Mike, and his frail body is primed for major injuries.

Seattle - I know I just bashed Kevin Durant, but come on, he is still going to be pretty sweet. Plus they just robbed Boston by shipping Ray "I can only shoot from the perimeter" Allen for Delonte West (Solid PG), Jeff Green (Not who I would have picked, but whatever, still a good pick), and Wally Szerbiack(scrub). All in all, a good day for Seattle. Now if only they could keep some talent there, they might be good in like 5 years.

Charlotte - I know that Stephen A and the other ESPN bozos called MJ out for making the trade of Brandan Wright for Jason Richardson. Here is the deal in my eyes. Brandan Wright is an undersized PF with no offensive moves, and a big head too. (Did you hear what he said on draft night? Stew Scott said that he MIGHT be the only player that couldn't take his boss 1 on 1. Brandan then costed himself by saying that MJ didn't want any.) I think MJ could smoke him. I mean, he is the greatest ever. And its not like Wright is alot bigger or anything. Jason Richardson is a proven NBA scoring machine. Big win for the Bobcats.

Rant about RottenTomatoes
I went to the site to check out the Fresh rating for Transformers, and saw a list of the top 100 Sci Fi movies of all time. Looked through the list a little, but then jumped to the top 10. On my way there, I determined that the list was garbage and now question anything that those guys post. Here is the deal:

When I was working for WonderClick.com, Bryan Lee's bro was the guy in charge of RT. Since then he sold the site, made a ton, and now I think News Corp owns it. We used to get free gear from RT, and it was pretty cool. So the reviews on the site were always pretty solid, and I pretty much agreed with them.

BUT... as I was jumping from 100 to 10 in that top 100 Sci Fi list, I happened to come across number 32.... The MATRIX!!! WTF. How can this movie not be in the top 10 or even the greatest of all time? I mean seriously. This movie changed the industry back in the late 90s. Instead of it, there were 2 movies that were pretty good, but not great like the Matrix was. Children of Men was like 5. This movie was OK. I sat through it, and somewhat enjoyed it, mostly because I like Clive Owen, but seriously, this movie is garbage next to the Matrix. And then the biggest shocker. Number 4 was the Minority Report. OMG. This movie had sooooo much hype, and yet was the biggest waste of 3 hours of my life. The story was whack. Tom Cruise is a psycho. The effects were cool, but then again, not as cool as the Matrix's effects. So now, I am left to question RT forever. I mean, I guess the reviews are still good. But the top 100 lists are crap. CRAP I SAY!

Ok, Im done.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

i think the top 100 lists are all based off of the tomato-meter and not something subjective that the editors picked out.