Thursday, July 19, 2007

What time is it? GAME TIME!

So. This is it.

Quick side note:
Have you ever had the feeling that you could predict the future? Well it happens to me all the time. The other day, I was watching some poker on ESPN and there was a hand where AK was up against jacks. Well the guy with AK was down to his last card to try to improve. The board was like 10 9 4 3, and we were waiting for the last card. Well, the guy with Jacks was like, keep it low. And I was like, its prolly going to be another 3. And BAM, it was. Now sure, it could have been coincidence, however, this happens to me all the time.

In March, I predicted that my trip to Vegas was going to the best trip of my life, ever. Well. It was totally awesome. Not only did Dave Matthews play two of the greatest shows that I have ever witnessed, I tore the casinos for like a G.
End Side note:

This brings me back to this weekend. For some reason, I have been totally pumped about this weekend. I mean, I have been excited for 9 man tournaments before, but this one is different. I am on edge. I think this is really going to be the best tournament ever. Maybe I need to stop watching this video to get pumped up:

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