Friday, December 14, 2007


Ok so my whole life, whenever I went to Rio to watch a movie, I just
assumed that the white geese were swans. I think when I was really
little I even thought the white ducks were swans even though they were
much smaller than the geese. Well today after my interview, I finally
saw a real life swan. No mistake about it. These things are huge.
Those smaller birds in the picture are regular sized pigeons. Like if
that swan stood up his head would prolly come up to my belt buckle.
Anyways, the interview went really well, and it looks like I'll be
spending at least a year in Norway. Pretty excited about the
opportunity, but at the same time, butt scared about living abroad by

Why nintendo?

This is the monster stack of wii's that I saw at an electronics store.
I don't know what nintendo is doing. They definitely need better
analysts determining the demand of their products. I guess these
things are a little pricey. That 2495 Nok is about 500 bucks. Then
again everything is more expensive here.


I know what you guys are thinking. Men, what's the big deal about
stores in airports. Well check this bad boy out. That's right, you are
not seeing things, that's a casino in the airport. Fine, I guess some
of you are still not impressed since we all know that LAS has some
slots. This place had a roullette table too. Haha, sweetass.


So you know how I just pumped up Dulles airport like 3 posts ago? Well
compared to the airport in Amsterdam, Dulles is some shack. Seriously,
this is a shot of the holiday decorations, but the most impressive
part of this place was the shops. They had real shops in there, and
people were actually buying stuff like digital cameras and stuff. I
took a look around, but the prices didn't look all that good to me.
Plus I can no longer justify buying a good number of gadgets because I
have the iPhone. Can't buy a digicam, mp3 player, PDA, phone, voice
recorder, and even like small portable laptops. By the way, I totally
unlocked my phone to work with a Norwegian sim card. Pretty excited
about this.


This was my breakfast meal on the flight. It was pretty good. Banana
muffin, yogurt with berries, and a juice box. Pretty healthy if you
ask me. At this point, I was really starting to get worn down by the
cramped space, and screaming babies, so this was a great pick me up.

Trip to Norway Pt 3

About the last photo. That was actually a picture of the bidness class
seats. Unfortunately I flew economy because business class was
ridiculously expensive (because I booked my flight on Monday). This is
a picture of my dinner. It was pretty bad. It looks really good, but
tasted like a TV dinner made from better ingredients. The dish in the
top right is some curry rice. It was cold, but not bad. As I ate it I
thought that this type of thing would never be served on a domestic
flight. I think Europeans are more open with what kind foods they will

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's bidness, IT'S BIDNESS TIME!!

Flew via Northwest Airlines operated by KLM to Amsterdam. Worst flight
ever. For my friends that are new parents, please don't ever bring
your kids on overnight flights. I was just bragging to my coworker how
I could sleep upright because of two years commuting on the Metro. I
would have been able to do that if the 3!!! babies on the plane would
shut the hell up. One baby screamed at the top of its lungs the whole
way. I'm talking 9 hours. I thought IT would fatigue but I was wrong.
Haha, to be cont'd...

Norway Part 1

Started my trip at good ole Dulles airport. They've really improved
the airport quite a bit over the years. One thing that cracked me up
was I got this yellow card when I got in the line for security. It was
to measure how long it took to get through the line. Well it took me
12 minutes. It didn't feel like 12 minutes. It felt alot longer. But
when the security dude heard it was 12 minutes, he was SUPER pleased
with himself. He was like, "that's less than Disneyland, and people
love that place. They hate this place." To be cont'd.